Friday, June 24, 2011

Dog Days

Dog Days are the hottest most sultry days of summer usually starting in July and lasting until September. So sayeth Wikipedia.

Florence and The Machine says they are over. (I love that song, btw) I don't know where Florence lives but it feels like we have at least nine months of dog days in New Orleans. It won't be over for months. To quote a classic movie, 'Beauty Shop', "It's hotter than a jalapeno's coochie!" This is nothing new to me, really. Every year I suffer. Not in silence but in a whimpering puddle of humidity.

Despite my plight, I faithfully go to the studio with kilns a-burning. I have to. It's school. Ya know, when you take fine arts for credit it's entirely different than a class at a gallery once a week where you're allowed to sip wine and throw clay. It's not as much fun but it's structured and I learn quite a bit. However, it can be monotonous. It's all about cylinders this semester. BORING!!! I appreciate it but I still want to make something pretty.

Alas, here is the fruit of my loins... Leather hard cylinders sitting outside drying. *snooze* Nine done and nine more to gooooooooo...

"And I never wanted anything from you

Except everything you had

And what was left after that too."

~Favorite line from Florence and The Machines song, 'Dog Days Are Over'.

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